VTI Targets

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VTITarget's Inspector

The VTITarget component is one of the core scripts for the VTI World Kit. It is used to identify a GameObject as something that can be interacted with by Twitch viewers when running VRChat Twitch Integration (For Worlds!).


Property Usage
ID The Unique Identifier for this Target. Used internally to dispatch Events. Must not match any other VTITargets in the scene or a warning will be thrown.
Display Name The User-Friendly name for this Target. Used in the VTI Companion App's Target editor and when generating Channel Point Rewards. Does not need to be unique.
Description A short sentence describing the usage of this Target. Used in the VTI Companion App's Target editor and when generating Channel Point Rewards.
Cooldown The number of seconds to wait before this Target can be fired again. Set this to at least as long as the events run by any attached VTI Drivers unless they are capable of being interrupted or overlapped.
Allow Message Input Enable this when any attached VTI Drivers expect User Messaging in order to function.
Allow Event Type Rebinding If any attached VTI Drivers are specifically tailored to one specific event, disable this. For example: a Driver that expects a chat command with a specific argument will likely not work when set to SUBCRIBE_GIFT.
Default Event Type What Twitch Event this Target should be fired on. This presents as a dropdown for all EventSub Subscription Types currently supported by VTI.
Default Twitch Binding Settings This section is dynamically displayed based on which Event Type is selected. Use this area to tune exactly what parameters are required to fire this Target.