VTI Demo World

From WaffleSlapper's Project Wiki
Revision as of 00:41, 24 March 2024 by Steeveeo (talk | contribs) (Initial Writeup.)
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The VTI Demo World is an example Unity scene packaged with the VTI World Kit and is built to demonstrate the capabilities and construction of VRChat Twitch Integration (For Worlds!). As of VTI version 1.0.0, the demo world is laid out on a flat plane with yellow guidelines leading to all the available VTI Example Prefabs as well as "Explainer Panels" describing the usage and construction of each.

Next to the spawn, there is a main introductory panel describing VTI, how to get the VTI Companion App, and how to connect the Companion to the World. To its left are the VTI Control Panel, VTI About Panel, and the VTI Advert Panel.

This scene serves as both a tutorial for how to use VRChat Twitch Integration (For Worlds!) as a User as well as how a VTI-Capable VRChat World is constructed on the Developer side.